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Marijuana Information - Getting to the Heart of the Matter!     

History Repeating Itself

Kennedy calls for studies of marijuana.  In prior statements he was for rescheduling however calling for more studies will take time.  Some studies can take decades.  Whatever Kennedy has in mind it doesn't bode well for marijiana rescheduling any time soon. 

Does democracy exist in America.  Overwhelmingly the American public is for rescheduling however the continual shenanigans by the DEA shows they are putting their own desires ahead of the will of the American people.


In the latest ongoing saga of the DEA rescheduling hearing 2 proponents scheduled to speak in favor of cannabis rescheduling wthdrew.  One individual decided to withdraw due to the "the behind-the-scenes shananigans between the DEA and only certain parties..."   

Recreational sales in Ohio growing year over year.  For the past 6 months Ohio monthly sales averaged $50m.  This past January sales were $90m. Thats a whopping 80% increase.  

Judge blocks Colorado Springs city council member's plan to repeal recreational marijuana after voters just approvel it.  What is happening to democracy in Colorado Springs. 


Colorado Springs conservative city council members has no regard for the citizens of Colorado Springs.  They have an agenda to ban marijuana just 6 months after citizen's approved it on the ballot.  Judge blocks repeal calling it "unconstitutional.

Cannabis stocks rallied today on the news of RFK Jr committee vote and Senate Banking hearing.

Is something brewing concerning marijuana.  As of the market close today there has been money flowing into marijuana companies.The marijuana ETF MJ is up over 5%.  Cresco Labs is up over 11% and Green Thumb industries up just over 2%  There is 4 times the normal volume trading in Green Thumb and Cresco Labs.


With money flowing into these one has to ponder if something is brewing with the DEA and rescheduling, Congress or the Trump Administration.  We have to wait and see.

Marijuana company contributes $250,000 to Trump's inauguration.  Will this help the industry.  In the states where marijuana is legal people don't go to the black market to get it.  Regulating it has kept people away from the dealers who use marijuana to push more harder drugs like heroin.


Trump has said he is for rescheduling it hopefully he can get it done during his second administration.

Too many times have editorials been written with an agenda in mind or not looking at all the social factors involved.  The lastest is from the Gazette editoral board. The photo choosen says alot about what they are thinking.  They claim minimum regulations were put into place when marijuana first was legalized in Colorado and they rushed to legalize it. This is completely not true.  The regulations were vast, just google it for yourself.  Here are just some:


 -Owners, employees and investors need background checks.

-Dispensaries can't be within 1000 feet of schools

 -Daily purchased limits which are tracked

 -Product testing  

-Packaging requirements

-Edible serving size requirements

-24hr security video surveillance

-inventory tracking

-advertising regulations

no online or moble delivery

-on site regulations


The article seems to be written with an agenda to oppose marijuana in any manner of form.  They go on to discuss the ease of childen getting access to vape pens which they say is easier then stealing a beer and concealing it.  They insinuate the marijuana is coming from dispensaries and not the illegal markets.  In my opinion this appears to be just a fear piece to scare people.  If kids are getting ahold of illegal items it's from stealing it from their parents or some adult getting it for them.  It's no different then kids and beer.  And the blame should be put onto the parents and those whom might be giving the kids the drugs.  Who's to say that the kids aren't getting the stuff from the black market.


Regulating and controlling the access to marijuana is a better option then having it illegal and being only attained on the black market.  With cannabis being legal kids are protected from black market dealers where there's no regulations at all!  Kids could get marijuana laced with something.  And these dealers don't only sell marijuana but crack, lsd, herion...etc. 


The article needs to reflect and advocate more for pesonal responsibility.  For parents raising their children better.  For parents being responsible to keep thier cannabis out of reach of their kids.  For children making good decisions and understanding consequences for their actions.   


A new study is out showing a lifetime of heavy marijuana use has a significant impact on memory and attention.  How should this study be viewed.


For anything heavily used and for over a lifetime has serious consequences such as alcohol and gambling.  Alcohol has the same impact on memory and attention and much more.  Excess is the issue here.  Excesses of a workaholic, gambling, sex, hording money...etc 


Anything done in excess has negative consequences so moderation is the takeaway from this study. 

Is it time for Gov JB Pritzker to reduce IL tax rates.


More and more people from Illinois are traveling to other states for marijuana.  Illinois has one of the highest if not the highest sales tax rate on cannabis.  So high that it's worth people traveling to Michigan and Missouri for their marijuana products.  Missouri's recreational tax rate is 6% and Michigan's is 10%.   Illinois is a complex tax structure and can be high, up to 30%. 


Pritzker's high tax rates on marijuana are hurting Illinois marijuana sales and thus Illinois sales tax income.  The tax rates are also driving people to buy marijuana on the illegal market.  High sales tax rates is also hurting the competitiveness of Illinois legal market. 

Donald Trump during an interview last September with Lex Fridman discusses his views for marijuana.  He is supportive and accepting of cannabis for medical.


The big question is will he get it done!



Is Trump against marijuana reform.  Although he says he is for it, his interim choice to oversee the DEA is against it.  Trump who claims to be a populist may not be one after all.


Sorry Mike Tyson and Irwin Simon (ceo of Tilray) who had hoped the Trump administration would get marijuana reform done.

Will a Trump second term be good fo the marijuana industry.


Tilray CEO gives his views on what Trump will do regarding cannabis.  Although Trump did not achomplish anything for cannabis in his first term, Tilray CEO believes he will this term.

Months ago the Department of Health and Services recommended rescheduling marijuana from a scheduled I drug to a schedule III.  Unfortunately the DEA’s unscientific bias against cannabis is causing harm to the American public.

Video of DEA rescheduling hearing from 12/2/2024.  

Click on image to play.

Just how out of times is the DEA.  You could watch the film "Reefer Madness" a 1936 propaganda exploitation film about drugs to get an idea.  It's on Fandango however it's loaded with inaccuracies about marijuana. It's not worth watching even for laughs.  The movie portrays an individual who tries marijuana as having a psychosis, paranoia, violant outbursts, and erratic behavior.


These symptoms are more consistent with the effects of taking methamphetamine (METH) than Cannabis. 




Everything you need to know about the rescheduling hearing and it's current status (click on image). 


It appears that the cannabis industry has an uphill battle.  With the DEA strongly oppossed to rescheduling one has to question their reasoning.  They are not listening to the American public as poll after poll show they are in favor of the rescheduling.  They are not listening to the science as the medical benefits of cannabis has been documented.


They are not listening to the FDA as they have recommended the rescheduling.  What are the DEA's motives.  Is it religious, is it financial, is it big pharma...etc

The Hill artcile about recheduling.


10 months ago Tyson urges Biden to free those locked up over cannabis: "Right these wrongs"


Recently, Biden just pardoned thousands of people locked up in Federal prison over these wrongs.  Unfortunately there are still about 30,000 more locked up in State prisons where Biden has no power to pardon.  Biden was unsuccessful in getting Congress to address the issue, hopefully Trump will.




Survey finds more adults use cannabis as sleeping aids than prescription drugs.



Judge slams DEA officials as they and groups opposed to marijuana policy reform 

have had "Disturbing and Embarrassing Revelations" communications.  Hearing is postponed 90 days for appeal. 




It's been several weeks since the DEA rescheduled the hearing to reschedule marijuana and as of yet there has been no word.  It feels as though they don't want to address the issue.  Perhaps the Trump administration will address marijuana.  He has claimed he supportive of the rescheduling.



Is the DEA operating under bad faith in regards to it's handling of marijuana.

DEA judge raises concerns about alleged unlawful contact with prohibitionists. Is an article from the end of last month but worth repeating.

Click on image for article.



Nearly 70% of the public comments during the DEA’s marijuana comment period supported marijuana rescheduling.  So why is the DEA so against it.  The DEA’s marijuana hearings began Dec 2.  The DEA’s representatives  intend to testify regarding eight issues: 


1) It’s actual or relative potential for abuse;
2) Scientific evidence of its pharmacological effect, if known;
3) The state of current scientific knowledge regarding the drug or other substance;
4) Its history and current pattern of abuse;
5) The scope, duration, and significance of abuse;
6) What, if any, risk there is to the public health;
7) Its psychic or physiological dependence liability
8) Whether the substance is an immediate precursor of a substance already controlled.”


With the public support so overwhelming for rescheduling why is the DEA so against it.  Alcohol can’t be scheduled as class III drug let alone be legal in the eyes of the DEA.  The DEA is out of touch with cannabis science and the pulse of the American public.  


As a matter of fact gambling can’t meet the criteria above to be a class III substance and yet marijuana is being questioned. 



The DEA has made cannabis into a gateway drug.  They tell our children and young adults marijuana is as dangerous as heroin, cocaine, LSD, crack...etc.


The truth is marijuana isn't close to these drugs.  However for a young adult to try cannabis they must overcome the stigma told to them by the DEA.  Upon doing so, those who try marijuana realizes that the dangers they were told were untrue. 


It would be like a child not being burned by touching a hot stove after they were warned by their parents they would get burned by doing so.  Thus the parent and DEA with marijuana looses credibility.  With the DEA they young adult tries marijuana realizes it is not as bad as warned and think that the DEA is overreacting about the other dangerous drugs mentioned above.


Thus the DEA is part of the problem.






Is the DEA's historical conservative stance regarding marijuana preventing

them from having an unbiased mindset about rescheduling marijuana to a Schedule 3 drug.





What's going on at the DEA regarding the rescheduing of marijuana.  HHS recommended cannabis to be rescheduled to a Schedule 3 drug over a year ago.


Studies have shown some medical benefits to marijuana which is a requirement for a Schedule 3.  Ironically Alcohol can't meet this standard and it's legal.  Who at the DEA is against the rescheduling of cannabis.  Do they not relaize that they are making it a GATEWAY drug!




With this current Banking Crisis passing the SAFE Banking Act would

help the banks capital reserve requirements.  This would be a good time

to get the ball rolling towards passing SAFE Banking.  Contacting your

Senator and Congressional representatives would help the process.  



Marijuana sales slow in all but one, Michigan, of 11 States.  



Oregon Cannabis industry struggles

as supply is higher then demand. 




Germany getting closer to legalizing

marijuana as they get positive feedback 

from the EU.





On the lighter side of cannabis the

International Church of Cannabis is

being asked to remove an oversized

sculpture by the city.



61.7% of voters in Oaklahoma

voted against regreational marijuana.






How do Americans feel about

marijuana?  Gallup has surveyed

Americans and measured 5 significant 

pieces of data refecting people's views.





Marijuana has promise for

helping people to sleep.





North Carolina passes medical





Michigan collects just under $60m

from marijuana taxes in 2022.





New study shows smoking marijuana

daily can lead to coronary heart disease.




California cannabis tax revenues drop.

California fight against the black market

led to lower tax rates to make the legal 

market more competitve. 




What's wrong with Texas.  Teen

arrested for Vaping faces felony

charges.  Gas station near HS 

sells legal hemp vape pen.







The CLIMB Act will have the

most significiant financial 

imapct upon the industry.





Washington State introduces bill

to allow interstate sales.




A series of brief were submitted

to the DEA by Medical professionals,

academics and advocacy groups asking

a review of psilocybin (mushrooms) to 

be rescheduled.





Can this be the year Safe Banking

passes.  Ten reasons why it could.




Democratic Majority Leader Chuck Schumer

meets with Republicans to discuss passing

Safe Banking Act.






California assembly bill

to allow cannabis cafes.

         Will it pass?




THC infused beverages in jeapordy   

as Minnesota breweries fret Federal law.




Missouri begins recrerational 

sales today!




Schumer again working on passing

a canabis legislation bill.  Unfortunately 

Rupublicans are absent during talks.




2023 to be a long year for

cannabis companies as 

SAFE Banking failes to

pass Congress.     


Individual states need to lower the taxes on cannabis.  It'll reduce black market helping to reduce crime, create new jobs and bring in additional revenues. 

Cannabis companies will increase sales especially with market being and to become more saturated.  And States will keep about same if not more tax revenues since overall cannabis sales will increase to offset the tax reduction.  




Congress passes bill to enable researchers

to study the effects of marijuana.      




Sean Combs, Diddy, to buy

Columbia Care from Cresco

Labs for up to $185M.




Chuck Schumer hopes to pass 

SAFE Banking law during lame 

session, by end of the year.   





      Biden pardons thousands of people

convicted of simple possession of marijuana.




Amazon is removing marijuana products.

Does this mean Amazon is looking to get

into the business themselves?       




Vegas to institute

smoking lounges.




Smoking cannibas is more popular 

then smoking cigarettes.       




Americans support legalizing marijuana.



Regulations on marijuana potentency

critical for Federal legalization     





President Biden commutes 

sentences for 75 individuals

for minor cannabis violations.




ILL marijuana sales increase

in March to $131million, 2nd

highest monthly sales.



4/1/2022    12:35 ET                


House passes the Marijuana Bill






Cannabis banking bill could

        pass this year.





Illinois cannabis sales continue

to decline due to high tax rate.



Cannabis is now being cultivated in shuttered prisons.


Is it about time to admit the war on drugs has been a   

failure.  As company's are making billions off cannabis,

people are sitting in jail for cannabis possession.     



Illinois marijuana sales boom in 2021.



IL 2020 sales




Case Study shows woman's tumor shrank after

taking CBD for two years.                

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